Beiträge auf Fachveranstaltungen


„Vergabeverfahren „Behandlung Tiroler Restabfälle 2009 – 2011“, ÖWAV-Seminar „Vergaberecht & Antikorruptionsregeln“, Wien 2009

„Ersatzbrennstofferzeugung und -verwertung in Italien“, VDI-Seminar Abluftreinigung an MBA nach der 30. BImSchV, Kufstein, 2001


„Transporting urban waste in an environmentally friendly and cost effective way, ISWA-Seminar Waste on the Road, Rimini 2009

„Thermal Waste Treatment: Recent economic developments north of the Alps“, ISWA-Seminar Waste to Energy financing, Padova 2007

„Stellenwert und Perspektiven der MBA in Europa“, 17. Kasseler Abfallforum, Kassel und Internationale MBA Tagung Hannover, 2005

Mehrere Fachbeiträge auf dem EU-Workshop "Role of mechanical biological treatment in Management of Municipal Waste", Madrid 2004

How to make a national waste management system fit for EU: Practical guidance for EU accession countries”, VIIIth WMS, Zagreb 2004

“Solid Waste Treatment in the ´EU 25´”, 5th Conference on Waste Management Maribor / Slovenia, 2004

“Urban Revitalization & Brown Sites”, EU-Workshop Attracting Foreign Investment to Shenyang, Shenyang / China, 2002

“Economic Aspects of the Biological Treatment of Waste”, EU Workshop Biological Treatment of Biodegradable Waste, Brüssel, 2002

„Composting of MSW, Biowaste, Sewage Sludge: Developments in Europe, Experiences with New Techniques“, Achemasia, Peking, 1995

„Structural Changes to a MSW Compost Plant in Accordance with Modern Waste Management“, “Science of Composting”, Bologna, 1995